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Session id

Session id is a unique identifier of the session. By default it's a combination of:

  • user_pseudo_id (aka client_id)
  • ga_session_id (the value from event_params with key ga_session_id)

Each event during the session has the same session_id.


It's possible that session_id could be not unique. The most common case is if events from the session are split between different days and you process the sessions only for one day per Dataform run. In this case, you could have the same session_id for different days.

To generate session_id the package uses getSqlSessionId helper function.

But you could change the logic of session_id generation and provide your own SQL code, like this:

const sessions = new ga4.Session(sessionConfig);sessions.getSqlUniqueId = () => {  return `FARM_FINGERPRINT(CONCAT((select value.int_value from unnest(event_params) where key = 'ga_session_id'), user_pseudo_id)) as session_id`;};

If you want to change session_id don't forget to add session_id alias ("as session_id" at the end) to your custom SQL code.