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Attribution models

The package by default generates two attribution models: last click and last non direct click.

Last click attribution#

For this attribution source and medium calculated on sessions_with_source_medium_and_lp step. You could provide your own rules for source / medium. You could check details here.

If you want you could also skip this step using skipSourceMediumStep.

Last non direct click attribution#

Source, medium for this attribution are calculated on sessions_with_last_non_direct step. If the last click attribution is direct, query looks back in time to find the last non direct attribution. And it looks back in time limited by lookbackWindow property. By default it's 30 days.

You could change the look back window using lookbackWindow property. For example, like this:

const sessions = new ga4.Session(sessionConfig);
sessions.LastNonDirectLookBackWindow = 90;sessions.publish();

You could skip this step by using skipLastNonDirectStep.