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dataform-ga4-sessions module


const ga4 = require('dataform-ga4-sessions')


Creates Dataform Action to build GA4 Event tables based on BigQuery exported data.

Kind: inner class of dataform-ga4-sessions
Access: package

new DataformAction(sourceConfig, targetConfig)#

sourceConfigObjectGA4 BigQuery Source configuration
sourceConfig.databasestringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.datasetstringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.incrementalTableNamestringSource incremental table name. For example events_20240101
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableNamestringSource non-incremental table name. For example events_*
sourceConfig.incrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the non-incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
targetConfigObjectOptional. Target configuration
targetConfig.schemastringOptional. Target schema name
targetConfig.tableNamestringOptional. Target table name


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

sourceObjectGA4 BigQuery Source configuration
source.databasestringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
source.datasetstringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
source.incrementalTableNamestringSource incremental table name. For example events_20240101
source.nonIncrementalTableNamestringSource non-incremental table name. For example events_*
source.incrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
source.nonIncrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the non-incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false


Use getter / setter methods to set values for the following properties.

Kind: instance property of DataformAction

targetObjectDestination table config.
target.schemastringThe target schema. Destination dataset name. Default is dataform_staging
target.tableNamestringThe target table name. Destination table name.

Example = {schema: "dataform_testing", tableName: "test_sessions"}}


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

timezonestringThe timezone. Default is Europe/London


session.timezone = "Europe/Berlin"


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

tagsArray.<string>Dataform execution tags needed to run a chose a set of actions to run. By default [source.dataset] tag is added.


session.tags = ["daily","hourly"]


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

assertionsArray.<{name: String, config: {description: String}, query: function(String): String}>List of default Dataform assertions for the class, but in most cases if you need extra assertions you could define them outside the class in separate files.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

partitionBystringThe [partition by])( Dataform use this keys to generate partitioned tables. By default partitionBy is set to date. If you want to use another partitionBy value you need to set it manually.


session._partitionBy = "DATE(timestamp)"


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

uniqueKeystringThe unique key for incremental tables. Dataform use this keys to generate merge queries.


session.uniqueKey = ["session_id","date"]


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

clusterByArray.<string>The cluster by. Dataform use this keys to generate clustered tables. By default clusterBy is not set. If you want to use clusterBy you need to set it manually.


session.clusterBy = ["name", "revenue"]


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

updatePartitionFilterstringThe update partition filter. Dataform use this keys to to avoid scanning the whole table to find matching rows, set updatePartitionFilter to only consider a subset of records. By default updatePartitionFilter is not set. If you want to use updatePartitionFilter you need to set it manually.


session.updatePartitionFilter = "timestamp >= timestamp_sub(current_timestamp(), interval 24 hour)"


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

additionalOptionsObjectIBigQueryOptions additionalOptions. Key-value pairs for the table, view, and materialized view options.


session.additionalOptions = {numeric_option: "5", string_option: '"string-value"'}


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

partitionExpirationDaysnumberIBigQueryOptions partitionExpirationDays. The number of days for which BigQuery stores data in each partition. The setting applies to all partitions in a table, but is calculated independently for each partition based on the partition time.


session.partitionExpirationDays = 90


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

requirePartitionFilterbooleanIBigQueryOptions partitionExpirationDays. Declares whether the partitioned table requires a WHERE clause predicate filter that filters the partitioning column.


session.requirePartitionFilter = true


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

columnsArray.<Object>List of columns from GA4 raw table to be added to the final table. You could check the list of all available columns here. By default columns are added based on the preset. Or you could add them manually using addColumns method.
columns[].nameStringName of the column in GA4 raw table.
[columns[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as in GA4 raw table.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

eventParamsArray.<Object>List of event params unnested from GA4 raw table event_params column. By default eventParams are added based on the preset. You could add your custom event_params using addEventParams method.
eventParams[].nameStringThe value of key in the event_params record.
[eventParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as eventParams[].name.
[eventParams[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

userPropertiesArray.<Object>List of user properties unnested from GA4 raw table user_properties column. By default userProperties are not added. You could add your custom user_properties using addUserProperties method.
userProperties[].nameStringThe value of key in the user_properties record.
[userProperties[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as userProperties[].name.
[userProperties[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

queryParametersArray.<Object>List of query parameters from the unnested event_params column with the key page_location. You could add your custom query_parameters using addQueryParameters method.
queryParameters[].nameStringThe query parameter name.
[queryParameters[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as queryParameters[].name.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

itemColumnsArray.<Object>List of child columns to keep in the final table from items column. By default itemColumns are not added, and if items added as a column all child columns wil be added. You could add itemColumns manually using addItemColumns method.
itemColumns[].nameStringName of child column the column in GA4 raw table.
[itemColumns[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemColumns[].name.


Kind: instance property of DataformAction

itemParamsArray.<Object>List of event params of item scope unnested from GA4 raw table items.item_params column. By default itemParams are not added. You could add your custom item_params using addItemParams method.
itemParams[].nameStringThe value of key in the items.item_params record.
[itemParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemParams[].name.
[userProperties[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.



If you add columns with RECORD type, like: device.*, geo.* you should specify the columnName. Because the result column name couldn't have a dot (.) symbol in the name.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction

columnsArray.<Object>List of columns from GA4 raw table to be added to the final table.
columns[].nameStringName of the column in GA4 raw table.
[columns[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as in GA4 raw table.


session.addColumns([{ name: "", columnName: "city" },{ name: "geo.metro", columnName: "metro" },{ name: "stream_id" },{ name: "platform" },])


Kind: instance method of DataformAction

eventParamsArray.<Object>List of event params unnested from GA4 raw table event_params column.
eventParams[].nameStringThe value of key in the event_params record.
[eventParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as eventParams[].name.
[eventParams[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.


session.addEventParams([{ name: "page_title", type: "string" }])


Kind: instance method of DataformAction

userPropertiesArray.<Object>List of user properties unnested from GA4 raw table user_properties column.
userProperties[].nameStringThe value of key in the user_properties record.
[userProperties[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as userProperties[].name.
[userProperties[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.


session.addUserProperties([{ name: "user_status", type: "string" }])


Kind: instance method of DataformAction

queryParametersArray.<Object>List of query parameters from the unnested event_params column with the key page_location.
queryParameters[].nameStringThe query parameter name.
[queryParameters[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as queryParameters[].name.


session.addQueryParameters([{ name: "fbclid" },{ name: "ttclid" },{ name: "gclid", columnName: "gclid_url" },])



Supported only in Event class

In the example below from items columns only item_id, item_name, price, quantity will be added to the final table in the items.item_id, items.item_name, items.price, items.quantity accordingly.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction

itemColumnsArray.<Object>List of child columns to keep in the final table from items column. By default itemColumns are not added, and if items added as a column all child columns wil be added. You could add itemColumns manually using addItemColumns method.
itemColumns[].nameStringName of child column the column in GA4 raw table.
[itemColumns[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemColumns[].name.


purchase.addItemColumns([{ name: "item_id" },{ name: "item_name" },{ name: "price" },{ name: "quantity" },])



Supported only in Event class

In the example below the items.item_params column will be expanded and filtered for the key color. The resulting string values will be stored in items.item_color.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction

[userProperties[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The type of the value in the items.item_params column. By default string.


itemParamsArray.<Object>List of names of item-scoped custom dimensions to extract from items.item_params by key. By default itemParams are not added. You could add itemParams manually using addItemParams method.
itemParams[].nameStringName of item-scoped custom dimensions.
[itemParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemParams[].name.


purchase.addItemParams([{ name: "color" , columnName: "item_color"},])


Helper method to generate SQL code to get unique id for each row in a final table, used inside publish method. Should be overwritten in the child class.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction


Main method to publish Dataform Action. This method generates SQL and then uses Dataform core publish method to generate incremental and non-incremental session table. This method should be overwritten in the child class.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction


The method to publish default Dataform assertions. This method should be overwritten in the child class.

Kind: instance method of DataformAction

dataform-ga4-sessions~Event ⇐ DataformAction#

Creates Dataform Action to build GA4 event tables based on BigQuery exported data, for example table for purchase events. But instead of using this class directly, it is recommended to use EventFactory to create events. The factory could simplify the creation of auto or recommended events. But after the creation of the event, you could use any of DataformAction methods and properties.

Kind: inner class of dataform-ga4-sessions
Extends: DataformAction

new Event(sourceConfig, targetConfig)#

Constructor for the Event class inherited from DataformAction class. Before creating the object of this class you need to declare GA4 source tables using declareSources method.

sourceConfigObjectGA4 BigQuery Source configuration
sourceConfig.databasestringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.datasetstringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.incrementalTableNamestringSource incremental table name. For example events_20240101
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableNamestringSource non-incremental table name. For example events_*
sourceConfig.incrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the non-incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
targetConfigObjectOptional. Target configuration
targetConfig.schemastringOptional. Target schema name. Default is dataform_staging
targetConfig.tableNamestringOptional. Target table name.


// Define your configconst eventConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};
// Declare GA4 source tablesga4.declareSources(eventConfig);
// Create eventlet purchase = new ga4.Event(eventConfig);
// Set destination table name and add where conditions for the eventpurchase.setEventName("purchase");


Kind: instance property of Event

uniqueKeystringThe unique key for incremental tables. Dataform use this keys to generate merge queries. Default value for Event is ["date", "event_id"]


event.uniqueKey = ["event_id","date"]


Kind: instance property of Event

timestampEventParamNamestringThis property will be used to generate unique event_id. The value will be from unnested event_params column with the key equals the value of this property. But at first you should add this event parameter in your GTM setup. js event.timestampEventParamName = "gtm_event_timestamp"



If you provide doesn't existing column name in the itemColumns list, you will get a SQL error and can't build the table.

In the example below from items columns only item_id, item_name, price, quantity will be added to the final table in the items.item_id, items.item_name, items.price, items.quantity accordingly.

Kind: instance method of Event

itemColumnsArray.<Object>List of child columns to keep in the final table from items column. By default itemColumns are not added, and if items added as a column all child columns wil be added. You could add itemColumns manually using addItemColumns method.
itemColumns[].nameStringName of child column the column in GA4 raw table.
[itemColumns[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemColumns[].name.


purchase.addItemColumns([{ name: "item_id" },{ name: "item_name" },{ name: "price" },{ name: "quantity" },])



item_params were added to the BigQuery export late October 2023. And you can't use addItemParams for events before that date.

In the example below the items.item_params column will be expanded and filtered for the key color. The resulting string values will be stored in items.item_color.

Kind: instance method of Event

[userProperties[].type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The type of the value in the items.item_params column. By default string.


itemParamsArray.<Object>List of names of item-scoped custom dimensions to extract from items.item_params by key. By default itemParams are not added. You could add itemParams manually using addItemParams method.
itemParams[].nameStringName of item-scoped custom dimensions.
[itemParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as itemParams[].name.


purchase.addItemParams([{ name: "color" , columnName: "item_color"},])


Helper method to skip unique events step. By default where condition is added to filter all events with event_id equals to null. Also QUALIFY statement is added to get only one event per event_id. But if you want to skip this step you could use this method.

Kind: instance method of Event



Helper method to generate SQL code to get unique id for each row in a final table, used inside publish method. By default it use getSqlEventId from dataform-ga4-helpers package

Kind: instance method of Event


This helper method will use event name to define target table and add where conditions for the final query. It's recommended to use EventFactory to create events. But if you want to create event manually you could use this method.

Kind: instance method of Event

eventNamestringThe event name. For example purchase




Main method to publish Dataform Action. This method generates SQL and then uses Dataform core publish method to generate incremental and non-incremental session table. This method should be overwritten in the child class.

Kind: instance method of Event



Helper class to create GA4 events. It's recommended to use this class to create events. But if you want to create event manually you could use Event class.

Kind: inner class of dataform-ga4-sessions

new EventFactory(sourceConfig)#

Create any recommended or auto event using EventFactory method like createEventName.

sourceConfigObjectGA4 BigQuery Source configuration
sourceConfig.databasestringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.datasetstringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.incrementalTableNamestringSource incremental table name. For example events_20240101
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableNamestringSource non-incremental table name. For example events_*
sourceConfig.incrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the non-incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false


// Define your configconst eventConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};
// Define EventFactoryconst ef = new ga4.EventFactory(eventConfig);
// Create purchase event:const purchase = ef.createPurchase();
//Publish eventpurchase.publish()


Kind: instance property of EventFactory

timestampEventParamNamestringThis property will be used to generate unique event_id. The value will be from unnested event_params column with the key equals the value of this property. But at first you should add this event parameter in your GTM setup.


// Define EventFactoryconst ef = new ga4.EventFactory(eventConfig);// Set timestampEventParamNameef.timestampEventParamName = "gtm_event_timestamp"


Kind: instance property of EventFactory

targetSchemastringThis property will be used to set target schema for all events generated by factory.


// Define EventFactoryconst ef = new ga4.EventFactory(eventConfig);// Set target schema for all events created by factoryef.targetSchema = 'my_schema'let events = ef.createEcommerceEvents();events.forEach((event) => {// But you could overwrite target schema for particular event    if ( === "purchase") { = " my_schema_2";    }    event.publish()});

eventFactory.createEvent(eventConfig) ⇒ Event#

Kind: instance method of EventFactory
Returns: Event - Event object

eventConfigObjectEvent configuration
eventConfig.eventNameStringEvent name. For example purchase
[eventConfig.columns]ObjectList of columns from GA4 raw table to be added to the final table. You could check the list of all available columns here. By default columns are added based on the preset. Or you could add them manually using addColumns method.
[]StringName of the column in GA4 raw table.
[eventConfig.columns.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as in GA4 raw table.
[eventConfig.eventParams]ObjectList of event params unnested from GA4 raw table event_params column. By default eventParams are added based on the preset. You could add your custom event_params using addEventParams method.
[]StringThe value of key in the event_params record.
[eventParams.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as
[eventConfig.eventParams.type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.
[eventConfig.userProperties]ObjectList of user properties unnested from GA4 raw table user_properties column. By default userProperties are not added. You could add your custom user_properties using addUserProperties method.
[]StringThe value of key in the user_properties record.
[eventConfig.userProperties.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as
[eventConfig.userProperties.type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.
[eventConfig.queryParameters]ObjectList of query parameters from the unnested event_params column with the key page_location. You could add your custom query_parameters using addQueryParameters method.
[]StringThe query parameter name.
[eventConfig.queryParameters.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as queryParameters[].name.


const purchase = ef.createEvent({ eventName: "session_start", columns:[{name:"privacy_info.analytics_storage", columnName:"analytics_storage"}], eventParams:[ { name: "page_referrer", type: "string" }]})

eventFactory.createEvents(eventConfig) ⇒ Array.<Event>#

Tne method to create multiple events using list of events configurations. This method is useful if you want to reuse the same event configurations between projects. In this case you could define event configurations in separate file and import the configs and create events using this helper method.

Kind: instance method of EventFactory
Returns: Array.<Event> - List of events

eventConfigArray.<Object>List of event configurations
eventConfig[].eventNameStringEvent name. For example purchase
[eventConfig[].columns]ObjectList of columns from GA4 raw table to be added to the final table. You could check the list of all available columns here. By default columns are added based on the preset. Or you could add them manually using addColumns method.
[eventConfig[]]StringName of the column in GA4 raw table.
[eventConfig[].columns.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as in GA4 raw table.
[eventConfig[].eventParams]ObjectList of event params unnested from GA4 raw table event_params column. By default eventParams are added based on the preset. You could add your custom event_params using addEventParams method.
[eventConfig[]]StringThe value of key in the event_params record.
[eventParams[].columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as
[eventConfig[].eventParams.type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.
[eventConfig[].userProperties]ObjectList of user properties unnested from GA4 raw table user_properties column. By default userProperties are not added. You could add your custom user_properties using addUserProperties method.
[eventConfig[]]StringThe value of key in the user_properties record.
[eventConfig[].userProperties.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as
[eventConfig[].userProperties.type]'string' | 'int' | 'double' | 'float' | 'coalesce' | 'coalesce_float'Optional. The name of the value in the event_params column. By default string.
[eventConfig[].queryParameters]ObjectList of query parameters from the unnested event_params column with the key page_location. You could add your custom query_parameters using addQueryParameters method.
[eventConfig[]]StringThe query parameter name.
[eventConfig[].queryParameters.columnName]StringOptional. The name of the column in the result table. If not provided the name will be the same as queryParameters[].name.


// Create eventslet events = ef.createEvents(configs);// Publish eventsevents.forEach(event => event.publish());

eventFactory.createEcommerceEvents() ⇒ Array.<Event>#

The method to create all recommended ecommerce events.

Kind: instance method of EventFactory
Returns: Array.<Event> - List of events

// Define your configconst eventConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};// Create all recommended eventslet events = ef.createEcommerceEvents();// Publish events events.forEach(event => event.publish());

eventFactory.createFormEvents() ⇒ Array.<Event>#

The method to create all recommended events for form tracking.

Kind: instance method of EventFactory
Returns: Array.<Event> - List of events

// Define your configconst eventConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};// Create all recommended eventslet events = ef.createFormEvents();// Publish events events.forEach(event => event.publish());

eventFactory.createAllRecommendedEvents() ⇒ Array.<Event>#

The method to create all recommended and auto events.

Kind: instance method of EventFactory
Returns: Array.<Event> - List of events

// Define your configconst eventConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};// Create all recommended eventslet events = ef.createAllRecommendedEvents();// Publish events events.forEach(event => event.publish());

dataform-ga4-sessions~Session ⇐ DataformAction#

Creates Dataform Action to build GA4 Session tables based on BigQuery exported data. The class extends DataformAction class.

Kind: inner class of dataform-ga4-sessions
Extends: DataformAction

new Session(sourceConfig, targetConfig)#

Constructor for the Session class inherited from DataformAction class. And set default values for additional properties needed for the Session Action and also apply standard presets. Before creating the object of this class you need to declare GA4 source tables using declareSources method.

sourceConfigObjectGA4 BigQuery Source configuration
sourceConfig.databasestringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.datasetstringThe GA4 export database name. For example <YOUR-GCP-PROJECT-ID>
sourceConfig.incrementalTableNamestringSource incremental table name. For example events_20240101
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableNamestringSource non-incremental table name. For example events_*
sourceConfig.incrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
sourceConfig.nonIncrementalTableEventStepWherestringThis property set where condition for the non-incremental queries. The important note this condition is added to the first step, not the final step. So if you filter for example events with source / medium values you could miss this data in the final result. Default is false
targetConfigObjectOptional. Target configuration
targetConfig.schemastringOptional. Target schema name. Default is dataform_staging
targetConfig.tableNamestringOptional. Target table name. Default is sessions


// Define your configconst sessionConfig = {dataset: "analytics_XXXXXX",incrementalTableName: "events_XXXXXX",};
// Declare GA4 source tablesga4.declareSources(sessionConfig);
// Create sessions objectconst sessions = new ga4.Session(sessionConfig);


Kind: instance property of Session

uniqueKeystringThe unique key for incremental tables. Dataform use this keys to generate merge queries. Default value for Session is ["date", "session_id"]


session.uniqueKey = ["session_id","date"]


The order of sourceMediumRules is important, the first rule that meets the condition will be applied.

Kind: instance property of Session

sourceMediumRulesArray.<Object>The source medium rules. Default is defaultSourceMediumRules from includes/constants.js. This property is used to create a source medium columns in the final table.
sourceMediumRules[].columnsArray.<String>The rule will check columns from the list in the final table.
sourceMediumRules[].conditionType'NOT_NULL'The rule condition type define the logic how to check columns. At the moment only NOT_NULL is supported.
sourceMediumRules[].conditionValueStringThe rule expected value. Not used by NOT_NULL condition type.
sourceMediumRules[].valueObjectThe value of source medium that should be set in the final table if condition is met.
sourceMediumRules[].value.sourceStringThe source value that should be set. If the value should be literal it should be in the single quotes. For example "'google'"" otherwise it should be a column name from the final table for example "source".
sourceMediumRules[].value.mediumStringThe medium value that should be set.
sourceMediumRules[].value.campaignStringThe campaign value that should be set.


sessions.sourceMediumRules = [ {  columns: ["gclid_url"], conditionType: "NOT_NULL", conditionValue: "", value: {  source: "'google'",  medium: "'cpc'",  campaign: "campaign", },},...sessions.sourceMediumRules,];


Kind: instance property of Session

processingStepsObjectThe post processing config. At the moment only delete is supported.
processingSteps.deleteArray.<String>Columns listed in this property will be deleted from the final table. By default [source, medium, campaign] columns will be delete. Because during sessions_with_source_medium_and_lp step and sessions_with_last_non_direct these columns also will be added to last_click_attribution and last_non_direct_attribution accordingly.


sessions.processingSteps = {delete: ["column2", "column2"],};


Default session processing steps#

Step NameDescription
eventsExtract the needed columns from all events. Generate session_id
sessions_baseGroup events into sessions by session id. Add standard columns like: session_start, session_end, session_engaged, landing_page etc.
sessions_with_source_medium_and_lpApply source / medium rules to create last click attribution
sessions_with_channelAdd channel grouping based on source / medium
sessions_with_last_non_directAdd last non direct attribution based on lookback window

Kind: instance property of Session

processingStepsArray.<Object>The Session Action create a final table in a few steps. Queries for all default steps are defined in includes/processing_steps.js. You could skip any of step using methods below or add custom processing steps.
processingSteps[].queryNameStringThe name of the step. The name should be unique.
processingSteps[].queryStringThe Function that generates SQL for the step. The function has two parameters this and ctx which is Dataform context.


Kind: instance property of Session

lastNonDirectLookBackWindowstringThe last non direct look back window, if session has direct source / medium, a sessions_with_last_non_direct processing step tries to find previous non direct sessions inside the look back window. Default is 30 days. This property is used to create a last_non_direct_attribution columns in the final table.


sessions.lastNonDirectLookBackWindow = 60


Default session assertions#

Sessions TimelinessCheck that we have fresh sessions with a delay of no more than 2 days
Sessions CompletenessCheck that we have sessions for all days without gaps
Sessions ValidityCheck that sessions have all the required columns

Kind: instance property of Session

assertionsArray.<{name: String, config: {description: String}, query: function(String): String}>List of default Dataform assertions for the class, but in most cases if you need extra assertions you could define them outside the class in separate files.


The function add list of columns, event_params and user_properties to the final table based on the preset.

Kind: instance method of Session

presetName"standard" | "extended" | "none"The name of the preset. The following presets are available: standard, extended, none. Default is standard.


Helper method to generate SQL code to get unique id for each row in a final table, used inside publish method. By default it use getSqlSessionId from dataform-ga4-helpers package

Kind: instance method of Session


The method skips sessions_with_last_non_direct processing step.

Kind: instance method of Session



The method skips sessions_with_channel processing step. It should be called only after skipLastNonDirectStep as it depends on it. Also if this method is called a table with channels definitions created by helpers.getSqlSourceCategoriesTable wouldn't be added.

Kind: instance method of Session



The method skip sessions_with_source_medium_and_lp processing step. This method should be used if you want to create your own source / medium attribution logic. The order is important as each step uses the preceding step. So you can't skip the channel step and have a last_non_direct step. But you could delete all the steps, and add your own processing steps.

Kind: instance method of Session

// Ignore all processing steps except the firstsessions.skipLastNonDirectStep();sessions.skipChannelStep();sessions.skipSourceMediumStep();


Main method to publish Dataform Action. This method generates SQL and then uses Dataform core publish method to generate incremental and non-incremental session table.

Kind: instance method of Session



The method to publish default Dataform assertions.

Kind: instance method of Session
