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If you have an error during action execution, you could always check details in Workflow execution logs:

Click on execution log with error status and you will see list of actions, to get details about particular action click on View Details link:

We most common cases are:

  1. Check that Dataform service account has needed permissions:
  • BigQuery Data Editor
  • BigQuery Data Viewer
  • BigQuery Job User
  • Secret Manager Secret Accessor

Go to the IAM page in your GCP project, type dataform in the search field. If you don't see Dataform service account, enable Include Google-provided role grants checkbox.

If you don't see permissions click on pencil icon and add them.

  1. Incorrect region in your Dataform project configuration. You should check defaultLocation in dataform.json:

and compare this value with GA4 dataset region:

  1. Check list of standard errors in the official Dataform documentation: troubleshooting